Arımed Pharmaceuticals has established its factory in Vize, district of Kırklareli. It is 110 km away from Istanbul and 20 km away from Çerkezköy. GMP (Good Manifacture Practice) rules have been taken into account in all design and construction activities. The factory consists of two phases. PHASE I, which is a 3.500 m2 closed area, was built on a 10 decare industrial area and began operations. Apart from this, it is planned to construct a closed area of ​​7.000 m2 as PHASE II.

The production plant is designed and built in a way that minimizes the risk of errors, allows effective maintenance and cleaning, and prevents contamination and cross contamination. Buildings are qualified to provide critical parameters for product quality. At the production plant, inhalation products approved by the Ministry of Health are produced. Currently, the production of DPI (Dry Powder Inhaler) and MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler) continue. Apart from this nebul area is ready and will start the production when the necessary equipments arranged.